Wednesday, August 1, 2012

3 Components for Developing a Great eLearning Game

As technology has advanced, lots of innovative ideas are being tried in the education domain to make the experience of children pleasurable. Keeping this in mind, this article focuses on crucial components for developing a great e-learning game.

Combining education with entertainment is not a cup of tea for ordinary developer. It requires lot of creativity and patience. The smooth layouts and graphics add to the visuals of the game. But the major purpose of the e-learning game should be to impart knowledge to the students. But it is quite subjective to define a good e-learning game. It is still an unknown entity which has not been answered properly. This article talks about different components which help in developing a great e-learning game. Let us look at these components in detail:
  • Perfect combination of learning and entertainment: Always ensure that there is a perfect blend of learning and entertainment while developing an e-learning game. Care should be taken that the learning objectives behind developing the game is fulfilled. For example; for English you can have various word jigjaw puzzles and memory games to strengthen the memory of the student. Always try to integrate all the crucial aspects that are important from the learning perspective to be present in the game.
  • Give impetus to the students to play the game: Children are the most difficult target audience to attract because they genuinely like or dislike the game. Hence, it is very important to provide proper impetus to the students to play the games. For example; if there are puzzles in the game each level needs to present different challenge so that children do not get bored with the games and play to learn something from it. Engagement and attraction are two things which make children focus on the game.
  • Target the essential elements of learning in the game: Always focus on the learning aspect in the game. Try to eradicate those portions wherein the learning aspect gets diverted. For example; if you are playing a game on grammar which deals with identifying verbs and nouns from a group of sentences. If you are constantly clicking on the ground to walk around, examining surroundings to identify boxes and then picking them up, the verbs that get collected are not of relevance as they are not part of the learning mechanism.
Context is of prime importance in an e-learning game. An experienced e-learning provider would follow the points mentioned above and create extravagant e-learning games for children.

About emPower

emPower  is a leading provider of comprehensive Healthcare Compliance Solutions through Learning Management System (LMS). Its mission is to provide innovative security solutions to enable compliance with applicable laws and regulations and maximize business performance. empower provides range of courses to manage compliance required by regulatory bodies such as OSHA, HIPAA, Joint commission and Red Flag Rule etc. Apart from this emPower also offers custom demos and tutorials for your website, business process management and software implementation.

Its Learning Management system (LMS) allows students to retrieve all the courses 24/7/365 by accessing the portal. emPower e-learning training program is an interactive mode of learning that guides students to progress at their own pace.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (emPower)
Jason Gaya

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502 -400-9374


E-learning courses have seen a downward trend in recent times. In this article; we look at several misconceptions and realities associated with e-learning courses.

E-learning industry has been going through a tough stage. There are mixed reactions which have been received from students about the quality of e-learning courses. There are some misconceptions associated with e-learning which needs to be clarified. Let us look at these misconceptions and the realities associated with it:
  • Myth: Quantity is as significant as quality. Generally e-learning is priced according to the volume produced. Even customers are concerned with the volume of content rather than the quality of the content. But this is not correct.
Reality: If the e-learning course is designed taking into consideration quality of the content, then the same course can get reduced by a considerable margin. This will ultimately result in saving of time. The employees can then concentrate on their work and learn through practical case studies provided in the e-learning courses.  
  • Myth: All the content is important.  Lots of times customers feel that all the content is important for the e-learning course. However, that is not the case.
Reality: There is no guarantee that everything displayed in the course will be understood and recalled by the student. Hence; it is important for the customers to understand that all the content is not required for the course and only the important parts that comprises of major learning needs to be integrated in the course. Content should be designed keeping in aspect different things like: usability approach, frequency, importance and type of use etc. Once these aspects have been decided then the content is prepared keeping in focus the training, reference material and things to exclude from the content.
  • Myth: E-learning is just a course. Most of the customers believe that e-learning is merely an electronic textbook that replaces classroom training. That is not true.
Reality: It is more involved in practical approaches which help people in improving their performance. It should comprise of various different subjects like:
    • Knowledge management
    • Performance support systems
    • Intranets
    • Practice environments
    • Standard electronic courses

  • Myth: Things will become easier once the technology improves.  There is a common belief that e-learning is falling behind because of the current state of technology. There is always a hope for a miracle cure round the corner but the major problem is the level of training at the level of delivery. Reality: Lot of time is devoted to understand the content management and training approach which will never go away. This does not mean that improvements in technology, standards, and theories will not help but it will not cure the current problems faced in designing e-learning courses easily.
  • Myth: E-learning is easy.  Clients believe that they are paying for simplicity. But is it so simple to make the complicated subject simpler?
Reality:  Clients often expect simpler solutions to complicated ones. But e-learning has always been more about making complex things clearer and simple.
  • Myth: E-learning provides one-time quick fix solution.  It is often believed that e-learning provides quick fix solution to practical problems in real time. However; that is not true.
Reality: It really takes time and energy to develop content for the courses in accordance to the target audience.

E-learning courses give practical exposure to the students. With the help of these courses; corporate executives can learn to solve practical problems faced in the organization. An efficient e-learning course provider should take these points seriously and create a proficient course that meets the needs of the target audience.

About emPower

emPower  is a leading provider of comprehensive Healthcare Compliance Solutions through Learning Management System (LMS). Its mission is to provide innovative security solutions to enable compliance with applicable laws and regulations and maximize business performance. empower provides range of courses to manage compliance required by regulatory bodies such as OSHA, HIPAA, Joint commission and Red Flag Rule etc. Apart from this emPower also offers custom demos and tutorials for your website, business process management and software implementation.

Its Learning Management system (LMS) allows students to retrieve all the courses 24/7/365 by accessing the portal. emPower e-learning training program is an interactive mode of learning that guides students to progress at their own pace.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (emPower)
Jason Gaya

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502 -400-9374

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

5 Commandable Reasons Signifying Digital Learning Success for Present and Next Generation

Digital learning has become one of the trending topics in the education sector. In this article; we look at some of the reasons signifying digital learning success for present and future generation.

Digital learning is an upcoming technology. It provides revolutionary changes to the learning pattern. There are various digital devices which provide a great learning platform for students to study the selected subjects at their own convenience. Recently we have already seen teachers giving projects to students through computers. The students can then work on these projects on computers and send the projects in electronic format to the teachers. This is known as Digital Learning. As technology up gradations continue to flourish, we will see a significant increase in digital learning in near future. Let us look at some of the reasons signifying digital learning success for present and future generation:

* Focused on providing quality content to the students: Traditional education system puts lot of stress on the need to get good marks in exams rather than making students understand the subject thoroughly. E-learning differs in this regards. It not only provides quality content but also gives freedom to the students to learn their selected subjects at their own pace and time. With the practice quizzes and evaluation process students can regularly check their progress and continue to work hard thereby achieving excellence by devoting quality time. Teachers can provide instant support to the students by being there with them through chat system. It also makes it easier for the student to get their queries and concerns resolved instantly without wasting much time. Hence; Digital Learning has given a tremendous impetus to online education.

* Focused on providing future learning mechanism: Digital learning is the future of education. It will provide a great impetus to online education. By starting the learning process through digital media at a very young age students can prepare themselves to join the 21st century workforce and academic world.

* Focused on providing competitive education to students: As the number of families continue to grow in USA the number of online courses will increase. The families can select the relevant courses that are best fit for the child. E-learning programs also continue to improve gradually so that competitive education can be provided to the students.

* Focused on providing higher level of accountability for students: E-learning courses in USA provide higher level of accountability in comparison to traditional courses. For example; by law every student enrolled in an online public school has a written student learning plan that outlines the success steps for him or her. If the online learning course does not fit a particular student they are shifted to another school. Schools are accountable for the students and parents.

* Focused on providing ubiquitous access to the students: Online education is not restricted to location, socio-economic status, learning level etc. The only thing required is an internet connection. Online learning helps students to access a world-class education. Rural students can also take full advantage of e-learning courses and can also offer multiple foreign languages.
To learn more about PracTutor follow us at:,

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
United States

3 Activities That Boosts the Working Memory in Children

Children are the future of human mankind. Hence; it is very important to boost the working memory, which is an integral part of brain development process for children. In this article; we look at different activities which can boost the working memory in children.

A well known scholar once said “A good memory is like a bagful of gold.” Therefore it is very important to build the + memory of children in their formative years. Working memory stores crucial information, while other material which is taught in schools forms the foundation for complex skills and knowledge. Children are very innocent in their early days. Hence, they can retain lot of information in their brains. A child who has poor working memory will find it extremely difficult to take on activities and face problems in learning. A recent research claims that memory deficits, if not found in early childhood can lead to extreme conditions; that can affect the academic performance of the child.

Let us now see different activities that can boost the working memory in children:

  • Kim’s game: This is a very popular game played by young kids that provides memory building exercises for them. It contains various selections of objects and number of words. These things are displayed to the child and then the objects are covered up. Kids then have to determine which item has been removed. This game can be played with different sets of objects.
  • Repetition: This activity ensures that children retain information for both short term and long term memories. It consists of reciting times tables, test questions and regularly viewing vocabulary cards. Study shows that with regular retrieval practice the child’s memory can be increased substantially.
  • Number and letter sequences: If you want to teach your child a foreign language then number and letter sequences is a very probable answer. It comprises of short number sequence and then gradually builds up digit by digit. The child then gets a minute to revise it after which the number sequence is removed completely. The child then has to recall as much of the sequence as they can. This process is repeated for letters.
To learn more about PracTutor follow us at:,

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
United States

Monday, July 2, 2012


Lots of e-learning courses have come up recently. These courses give valuable options to the students and professionals to get higher education and build a bright future. In this article; we look at the reasons exhibiting the importance of e-learning.

Technological advancement has made the entire globe a tiny place where we live in. We are already seeing the impact of globalization in education. Students are no longer restrained to classroom education. They can now learn at their own pace and time. E-learningcourses are not restricted to education but they are also beneficial for corporate trainings and businesses. These courses have been created with specific e-learning solutions like Learning Management System (LMS). A good LMS includes various collaborative e-learning tools that provide speedy, effective interactions and creates a synchronized learning mechanism for the trainers and learners.

Let us now look at the various reasons which exhibit the importance of e-learning:

1. Increasing demand for higher education: Education has become a key criterion for career expansion. We have already seen increasing demand of professionals for higher education; and distance learning has become a boon for these executives. With the help of selected e-learning courses, students and executives can now pursue professional courses online with greater ease. Professors and trainers can also conduct virtual classrooms and online trainings in a better way.

2. For better information dissemination: E-learning is extremely important medium for better information dissemination. It also makes learning more complete and well structured.

3. Easy to learn and take tests at your own convenience: With the advantage of global classroom environment, students can now learn at their own pace and convenience. They can even choose courses as per their interests and take standardized tests to evaluate their grip on the subjects.

E-learning courses provide tremendous opportunities to professionals as they can now aim for higher positions by opting for online courses. These courses also provide a basic outline of the topics which gives students an opportunity to revise the topics thoroughly, and prepare for the exams. A proficient e-learning course provider will always try to create courses according to the needs of the target audience. It is also very important to consider end goals that you would like to achieve to get maximum results from the courses.

About emPower

emPower  is a leading provider of comprehensive Healthcare Compliance Solutions through Learning Management System (LMS). Its mission is to provide innovative security solutions to enable compliance with applicable laws and regulations and maximize business performance. empower provides range of courses to manage compliance required by regulatory bodies such as OSHA, HIPAA, Joint commission and Red Flag Rule etc. Apart from this emPower also offers custom demos and tutorials for your website, business process management and software implementation.

Its Learning Management system (LMS) allows students to retrieve all the courses 24/7/365 by accessing the portal. emPower e-learning training program is an interactive mode of learning that guides students to progress at their own pace.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (emPower)
Jason Gaya

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502 -400-9374


E-learning courses have seen a downward trend in recent times. In this article; we look at several misconceptions and realities associated with e-learning courses.

E-learning industry has been going through a tough stage. There are mixed reactions which have been received from students about the quality of e-learning courses. There are some misconceptions associated with e-learning which needs to be clarified. Let us look at these misconceptions and the realities associated with it:
  • Myth: Quantity is as significant as quality. Generally e-learning is priced according to the volume produced. Even customers are concerned with the volume of content rather than the quality of the content. But this is not correct.
Reality: If the e-learning course is designed taking into consideration quality of the content, then the same course can get reduced by a considerable margin. This will ultimately result in saving of time. The employees can then concentrate on their work and learn through practical case studies provided in the e-learning courses.
  • Myth: All the content is important. Lots of times customers feel that all the content is important for the e-learning course. However, that is not the case.
Reality: There is no guarantee that everything displayed in the course will be understood and recalled by the student. Hence; it is important for the customers to understand that all the content is not required for the course and only the important parts that comprises of major learning needs to be integrated in the course. Content should be designed keeping in aspect different things like: usability approach, frequency, importance and type of use etc. Once these aspects have been decided then the content is prepared keeping in focus the training, reference material and things to exclude from the content.
  • Myth: E-learning is just a course. Most of the customers believe that e-learning is merely an electronic textbook that replaces classroom training. That is not true.
Reality: It is more involved in practical approaches which help people in improving their performance. It should comprise of various different subjects like:
    • Knowledge management
    • Performance support systems
    • Intranets
    • Practice environments
    • Standard electronic courses

  • Myth: Things will become easier once the technology improves. There is a common belief that e-learning is falling behind because of the current state of technology. There is always a hope for a miracle cure round the corner but the major problem is the level of training at the level of delivery. Reality: Lot of time is devoted to understand the content management and training approach which will never go away. This does not mean that improvements in technology, standards, and theories will not help but it will not cure the current problems faced in designing e-learning courses easily.
  • Myth: E-learning is easy. Clients believe that they are paying for simplicity. But is it so simple to make the complicated subject simpler?
Reality: Clients often expect simpler solutions to complicated ones. But e-learning has always been more about making complex things clearer and simple.
  • Myth: E-learning provides one-time quick fix solution. It is often believed that e-learning provides quick fix solution to practical problems in real time. However; that is not true.
Reality: It really takes time and energy to develop content for the courses in accordance to the target audience.

E-learning courses give practical exposure to the students. With the help of these courses; corporate executives can learn to solve practical problems faced in the organization. An efficient e-learning course provider should take these points seriously and create a proficient course that meets the needs of the target audience.

About emPower

emPower  is a leading provider of comprehensive Healthcare Compliance Solutions through Learning Management System (LMS). Its mission is to provide innovative security solutions to enable compliance with applicable laws and regulations and maximize business performance. empower provides range of courses to manage compliance required by regulatory bodies such as OSHA, HIPAA, Joint commission and Red Flag Rule etc. Apart from this emPower also offers custom demos and tutorials for your website, business process management and software implementation.

Its Learning Management system (LMS) allows students to retrieve all the courses 24/7/365 by accessing the portal. emPower e-learning training program is an interactive mode of learning that guides students to progress at their own pace.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (emPower)
Jason Gaya

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502 -400-9374

Learning in the electronic way

Digital learning is advanced ways of making the students learn in an interactive way. Many schools are bringing in the latest methods of learning to make the students learn after their school hours. Technology has drastically changed in the recent years and also has developed mew methods in the education field. It is helping people learn in a new and interesting way which has probably changed the teaching methods in many schools.

The new interactive learning concepts have made people learn even with a small device. Digital learning is possible beyond the schools through the electronic learning concept. Many educators around the world are unaware about the latest technology. They help them to make kids learn very easily along with the practical knowledge. The organization’s community is very much keen to develop the digital learning method in the schools after their school hours to let the kids gain extra knowledge.

It helps one to create live models about various subjects to give a live demonstration about the subjects. Also the e-learning methods allow kids to educate themselves anywhere with just a mobile learning device. The youth staffs would know the technology very well and also can handle the e-learning technology well. Many of the organizations are unable to help their individuals to learn through the digital learning concept due to the lack of the infrastructure and staff facilities. But the e-learning concept is now being spread and is being incorporated in every institute to benefits the students. The digital and e-learning concepts support all the electronic form of teaching and learning techniques. The basic need is an electronic device connected to a network and anyone can start using the digital learning the service. The web based learning technology allows one to get details about any subject and also upload their piece of knowledge to let other people learn.

Apart from the advantages it also has many drawbacks. The technology is changing and hence the already running systems need to update their old technology. In many cases the devices go obsolete and cannot be configured with the new technology. Also when a new technology is introduced its cost may be very high which cannot be used by all the institutes. There are also security and privacy issues along with the outdated equipments. These are the reasons why the e-learning and the new learning concepts are not yet widely accepted by many of the organizations.

About emPower

emPower  is a leading provider of comprehensive Healthcare Compliance Solutions through Learning Management System (LMS). Its mission is to provide innovative security solutions to enable compliance with applicable laws and regulations and maximize business performance. empower provides range of courses to manage compliance required by regulatory bodies such as OSHA, HIPAA, Joint commission and Red Flag Rule etc. Apart from this emPower also offers custom demos and tutorials for your website, business process management and software implementation.

Its Learning Management system (LMS) allows students to retrieve all the courses 24/7/365 by accessing the portal. emPower e-learning training program is an interactive mode of learning that guides students to progress at their own pace.
For additional information, please visit
Media Contact (emPower)
Jason Gaya

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502 -400-9374

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

West Prairie ag classes learning with iPads

West Prairie High School student Jacqueline Heaton, a freshman, uses an iPad tablet computer during a recent lesson on the universal swine identification system in agriculture teacher Corinne Galvan’s Orientation to Agriculture class.
Sciota, Ill. —

In a move toward West Prairie School District’s plan to provide each student at the high school with their own digital device by as early as 2013, agriculture teacher Corinne Galvan’s students have been using iPad tablet computers since January. Three or four times per week, students use the iPads to enhance a classroom lesson, study for a quiz, or read a digital agriculture-related article for class.

As the experimental class of sorts for the district’s future technology plan, they’re also discovering, along with Galvan, what they find most and least beneficial about a digital elearning environment.

During one of her recent morning Orientation to Agriculture classes, Galvan conducted a lesson on the universal swine ear notching system using the iPads. Students used their finger to draw a pig ear on the iPad’s touch screen, then added numbered notch marks.

That’s one way the iPads are being incorporated into the class, but Galvan said the devices have been most beneficial in preparing students for quizzes. The use of digital flashcards, which include graphics and immediately let students know which answers are incorrect, has boosted quiz and test scores.

“They’ve gotten a lot better and we’re having some serious conversations about how is that going to change what we’re doing, how we’re studying.” Galvan said.

One student, freshman Jaqueline Heaton, said she likes using the iPads because all of her class materials are in one place-on the device.

“Everything is right there on the computer,” she said. “You don’t have to go search.”

Galvan is using a number of free apps with her agriculture classes, including Flipboard, which allows her to create an interactive, digital book of class materials for the iPads; MarketWatch, which lets her Agriculture Business students create and monitor their own mock stock portfolios; Educreations, an interactive whiteboard used for the lesson on the swine ear notching system, and others.

While she is pleased with the iPad experiment so for, Galvan acknowledges that using iPads a few times per week provides only a glimpse of what might happen when students someday arrive to class their own devices.

“It’s a little different than having nine iPads in your classroom,” she said. “That’s a little bit more manageable than having 25 children come into your classroom with their own laptops and you wonder how you’re going to do things with integrity.”

For Galvan, maintaining integrity in the classroom means recognizing that digital learning cannot replace the real experience gained hands-on learning, especially when it comes to the science aspect of her classes.

“It’s not like we do everything on the computer,” she said. “We still do activities in the greenhouse and cut stuff open because I think we need that.”

Galvan also recognizes that using a digital device doesn’t fit the learning style of all students and so she incorporates different activities, such as kinesthetic movement or group discussion, into a lesson using a digital device.

“The whole idea is we’re not just opening a Word document and typing all period,” she said. “Like today, the activity we’re going to do is going to require them to do partner work and get up and move.”

When it comes time for the school district to chose a device that will be given to each student, Galvan’s students already have a suggestion: laptop computers. Several students noted the full keyboards on laptops make the devices more useful for academic purposes than iPads, which have touch screens and lack keyboards.

Galvan said she is concerned about the potential cost of apps that would have to downloaded onto each device. All of the apps Galvan currently uses are free downloads.

“What if I spend $5 on it and don’t like it?” she asked. “Then I’ve kind of wasted $5. I wish there was something like ‘Try this free for 10 days.’ I wish that was there for the educator.”

While uncertain about the drawbacks of the iPad, Galvan is pleased with how the digital devices have enhanced her classroom and she been comparing this year’s test scores with those of last year’s students.

“Test scores are considerably better,” she commented. “Means on tests are way higher than they were a year ago. We will continue to reflect on how we’re using them and what works.”

This article was originally posted at

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

School district seeks shift to digital textbooks

The Oshkosh school district doesn't want to fall on the wrong side of the digital divide.

Everything the district has done for the last 18 months has been aiming toward a shift: putting smart devices in the hands of every student and incorporating digital technology into standard curriculum. From infrastructure changes to setting up wireless networks to buying rights to electronic textbooks, the district has taken steps toward achieving this goal — a goal that several nearby districts have already reached.

The Oshkosh school district made a foray into teaching with smart devices this year. With grant funding, the district has bought more than 400 iPads in the last year — a small step toward one for each of its 10,000 students. Most of them are in Jefferson, Merrill, Roosevelt and Washington elementary schools — schools given the "School of Recognition" title because their students test better on state standardized tests than would be anticipated based on their poverty levels. A handful of the devices are also at West and North high schools.

"Are we going to be a district that is competitive or not?" said Deputy Superintendent Dave Gundlach, as he ran through a list of local districts.

Menasha's middle school has one device for every student. Neenah will soon have the same ratio at every grade level, and Ripon and Rosendale are already there. The Fond du Lac school district is buying 3,000 Chromebooks for its high school students.

"If you're a parent coming into the community, that's probably going to be part of your consideration of where you want your kids to go to school," Gundlach said.

The shift is occurring at a national level, too. Earlier this month, Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Federal Communications Commission chairman Julius Genachowski challenged schools and companies to get digital textbooks in students' hands within five years — a call that came just two weeks after Apple Inc. announced it would start to sell electronic versions of a few standard high-school textbooks for use on its iPad tablet. Florida, Idaho, Utah and California, as well as individual schools and districts throughout the country, have already embraced digital learning environments.

The process is not an easy one, and it doesn't come without cost. The district needs to work with textbook companies to set up an "institutional license" when purchasing digital books. The most fiscally challenging aspect is making sure students have access to devices on a permanent basis so they can actually read the books. There are also policies to rewrite. Relatively new "acceptable use" policies outlawing the use of cell phones and other electronic devices during class are already antiquated, as the district will soon encourage students and staff to bring personal technology to school.

Those leading the charge believe the payoff will be significant. Gundlach said current discussions of the achievement gap use measures developed 10-20 years ago, but the digital achievement gap will be even starker. He compared districts using digital textbooks, which can be updated immediately with new information, to districts using five-year-old textbooks as an example.

"This isn't just a digital version of a book," Gundlach said. "What's really useful is when you can embed different types of media in the books. That totally changes what you're trying to explain to the students. You can link out to the most up-to-date resources."

Integrating technology

Merrill Elementary has 90 iPads for its 267 students. Teachers received professional development training to learn how to use the devices effectively, and the school uses them at every grade level.

"I think it is the direction schools are going, because at school it's really our job to try to make that connection as seamlessly as possible," said Merrill principal Sarah Poquette. "There are so many digital pieces of technology out in the real world, and we need to keep up with that so we're preparing 21st century learners."
Students use the iPads to create multimedia presentations and to facilitate discussions about class readings, along with practicing basic math and reading skills with educational apps. Poquette said the more experience teachers have with the iPads, the more ideas they come up with for how to incorporate them into learning activities. The school is currently planning a "family technology night" to bring parents into the loop of what their children are doing at school.

"I love infusing technology in the classroom," said kindergarten teacher Rocco Marchionda. "IPads bring rich, dynamic content in front of students at an affordable price. It's all about getting kids interacting with dynamic media."

Marchionda has used iPads with third-graders and kindergarteners, and said the constantly developing content allows teachers to target specific skills and concepts for every grade level.

Other schools are exploring the possibilities of other devices along with iPads. Teachers at Oaklawn Elementary have received grants for iPads and for Kindle Fire devices. Oaklawn principal Scott Johanknecht said digital devices are another tool to be used, adding that it's up to teachers to seek opportunities.
"It's a fun way for us to learn," said Juliette Mattair, a fifth grade student at Merrill. "It's like super technology."
Mattair, who had never used a smart device before, said learning to use the iPad came naturally to her. Her favorite apps are a math game called Hungry Fish and a painting application called Kids Doodle, despite the fact that her favorite subject in school is writing.

Poquette said students received instructions, as with any other school-issued equipment, to take good care of the iPads, and there have not been any damage issues so far. The only problem is that she wishes they had more — and she plans to apply for more grants to try to make that happen.

Budget issues

Despite that, current budget restraints leave the district with no concrete timeline to pursue the plan. The money has to come from somewhere, and right now, Oshkosh doesn't have the revenue stream to make it a reality. Some districts have reallocated money spent on other resources, while others have had referendums to fund a sustainable technology budget. The pros and cons of different approaches, including a "bring your own technology" plan or leasing devices, are being considered.

Gundlach said the districts that have succeeded with similar initiatives have provided extensive training to staff, students and families. Providing professional development opportunities is key. Gundlach said the district hasn't done a good job of spending professional development time on technology until recently.

"You can't expect teachers to redesign what they do without having the tool in their hand," Gundlach said.
Right now, the district is putting all of its energy into the referendum to rebuild Oaklawn Elementary, Gundlach said, adding that there haven't been discussions about any other options after that. Since so many pieces of the technology plan have been put in place, the district would be able to plan for the shift very quickly, Gundlach said.

"It's a retooling of education," Gundlach said. "And it's a retooling that other districts are already done with and are beginning to see their benefits."

Monday, February 13, 2012

Blended learning as future of education

Much like everything else that worries the enhancement of world and development of lifestyle and understanding, the area of education has certainly seen several advancements and improvements with regards to how to better train a student, make better the deliverance of the correct knowledge, and assist in better conception and understanding of knowledge application. There have been many attempts into new methods like the digital learning and online learning and incorporation of these new techniques with the traditional techniques in order to come up with a better way to enlighten the education of the students. Various research and tests have been done in different educational institutes around the world on these new techniques, which is now known among all the people as "blended learning".

Blended learning is a combination of classroom training along with online learning. Training that takes place in the classroom is done with the help of a teacher. In this type of learning the student –teacher interaction is direct and face to face and the teacher handles the content and the speed of the class going on. In spite of many misunderstandings, online learning can also be directed by the teacher.  Through the online learning or digital learning the teacher can instruct her students through the webcast where they can see and interact with their teacher through the projector screen or the computer screen. Teachers can also post classes and make projects that learners complete on their own. The trainer still handles the content of the lessons and sets up the final time limit, but in online learning students are independent to choose how, when and where they want to learn.

Through blended learning, students get the opportunity to benefit from the type of learning i.e. classroom learning and as well as online learning. In classroom learning student gets direct training, he/she participates in various activities and learns to socialize with other peers in the class.  At the same time in online learning, students have the opportunity to work in relaxed surroundings of their choice, they can learn at their own speed, and they even learn the importance of managing their own time. Thus Blended learning allows students to get personal attention through eLearning or digital learning and learns the importance of discipline in classroom training along with this they become independent through online learning.

The most reported benefit of online learning is that it allows learners to learn place. It has helped many universities rise who are offering online learning solely.  There are many more traditional universities that are offering their health science classes and management training through the online learning strategy. As a result, online learning or digital learning courses help save money   by avoiding travelling for the classes unnecessarily. The best part of online learning is that students have the freedom to study the material provided as per their convenience. The students can schedule his class as per his personal, academic or professional planning for the day, week or month.

Thus Blended learning gives students the exposure to work online and allowing them to enhance their computer skills. With the help of the syllabus, students are able to use the computer on regular basis to be a active part of the class, quiz, exams and be able to communicate with their teacher and other students of the online learning class. With the help of such tools students learn the course book but also the computer skills that is very important part in building their future.

About emPower 

emPower  is a leading provider of comprehensive Healthcare Compliance Solutions through Learning Management System (LMS). Its mission is to provide innovative security solutions to enable compliance with applicable laws and regulations and maximize business performance. empower provides range of courses to manage compliance required by regulatory bodies such as OSHA, HIPAA, Joint commission and Red Flag Rule etc. Apart from this emPower also offers custom demos and tutorials for your website, business process management and software implementation.

Its Learning Management system (LMS) allows students to retrieve all the courses 24/7/365 by accessing the portal. emPower e-learning training program is an interactive mode of learning that guides students to progress at their own pace.

For additional information, please visit

Media Contact (emPower)
Jason Gaya

12806 Townepark Way
Louisville, KY 40243-2311
Ph: 502 -400-9374

Friday, January 6, 2012

Give Students Mobile Devices to Maximize Their Learning Time

The Education Department’s 2010 National Educational Technology Plan (NETP) presents a transformational vision for 21st century education, depicting how new technologies can help people learn lifelong and “life-wide” - in libraries and museums and their homes, and through interactions with people in their neighborhood and community.

In particular, mobile devices enable elearning anywhere and anytime, moving education beyond the industrial era model, where classrooms are the primary place of learning, the school day is the primary educational time, and the teacher is the primary source of information.

We know that students’ lives outside school are filled with technology, giving them 24/7 mobile access to information and allowing them to participate in online social networks and communities where people worldwide share ideas, collaborate, and learn new things. Our education system should leverage students’ interest in technology and the time they spend learning informally outside the regular school hours to extend learning time in a way that motivates them even more.

Mobile broadband devices now have six senses:

1. Knowing where you are

2. Interacting with networks

3. Sensing local content and services

4. Discovering relevant things

5. Enhancing your surroundings with information and simulation

6. Learning your interests, as well as how and with whom you like to learn

This new capacity for learning, which is infused with global information, is a powerful way of complementing the traditional model of learning, which is isolated from the world in classroom settings.

Cellphones, tablets and other mobile devices now provide access to a much broader and more flexible set of learning resources than is available in classrooms. They also create connections to a wider and more flexible set of “educators,” including parents, informal educators, and community-based coaches, tutors, and mentors. And, learning experiences can be customized for individual learners with content and instructional styles designed to fit the interests and experience of each person.

For example, when students are learning online, there are multiple opportunities to use technology for assessment. As students work, the system can capture information about their problem-solving sequences, knowledge, and strategies, as reflected by the information they select or input, the number of attempts they make, the number of hints and feedback given, and the time it takes them to solve a problem.

But there are some limitations. Four key areas must be resolved to realize the power of mobile broadband for ubiquitous learning:

Devices and infrastructure: How can we best balance educational investments between wired computers and the emerging infrastructure of wireless mobile devices?

Safety and privacy: How can we use internet access and digital student data to enhance education, while preventing various forms of abuse?

Digital assets and assessments: How can we drive innovation in digital learning materials and services when the education market is notoriously fragmented and slow to adapt, and when the strengths and limits of mobile devices for learning are not well understood?

Human capital: How can we empower educators and other stakeholders to realize the potential of anytime, anyplace mobile learning through evolutionary, revolutionary, and disruptive transformations that move beyond the model of industrial era schooling?

And, barriers in each of these areas create difficulties for progress in the others.

A ubiquitous technology infrastructure that supports anytime, anyplace learning is the hallmark of a 21st century educational system. I believe that every student and educator should have a mobile broadband device, with training and support for its optimal usage to empower learning. As discussed in the NETP, policy makers should systematically explore mechanisms to fund such an infrastructure for every district, school, and student, regardless of economic status.

Chris Dede is the Timothy E. Wirth Professor in Learning Technologies at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education. Each fall, he co-hosts a major conference for Qualcomm on mobile learning.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Smartphones, E-Readers Replacing Textbooks

What's the Latest Development?

Portable digital technology is forever changing the face of eduction. Smartphones and e-readers enable learning anyplace, anytime so teachers can better immerse their students in the day's lesson. And compared to a textbook, a tablet computer seems like magic, summoning up unfathomable amounts of information while displaying colorful and easy-to-read graphics. The interactive and entertaining qualities of new smart devices are inspiring students to take more control over their education.

What's the Big Idea?

Never before have schools faced the question of whether or not to buy textbooks. When electronic information is so readily available, so up-to-date, so much cheaper than buying hard-bound copies, textbooks become difficult to justify. The trend in education is reflected in society at large. The number of e-books sold online has seen a six-fold increase in the last year; Amazon now sells 2.5 e-books for every hard copy. The loss of textbooks will forever change the feel of education but it opens up many new opportunities.